时间:2013年3月15日 上午8点
Opening address: Rm. 513, Shaoyifu Science Bldg.
8:10–8:20 Address by Prof. Huang Shaoan.
Dean of the center for economic research, Shandong University
8:20–8:30 Address by Prof. Koichi Suga.
Dean of graduate school of economics, Waseda University
Managed by Prof. Huang Kainan.
Session A: Rm. 513, Shaoyifu Science Bldg.
8:30-8:50 On Semiparametric Double Index Models.
Hisatoshi Tanaka
8:50–9:10 Nonparametric Estimation in Dynamic Mixture Copula and its Application in Financial Markets.
Wu Jilin
9:10–9:30 Experimental Research in Political Economy.
Kazumi Shimizu
9:30-9:50 Game Theory and Experimental Economics.
Yukihiko Funaki
9: 50-10:10 Encouragement and Competitiveness on Grades: A Randomized Control Trial Study on Rural Education Performance in China.
Cheo Kim San Roland
10:10-10:30 Coffee break.
Session B: Rm. 513, Shaoyifu Science Bldg.
10:30–10:50 Financial Networks, Systemic Risk and Regulation.
Sui Peng
10:50–11:10 The Macroeconomic Effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policy - A Survey.
Ruidong Gao
11:10–11:30 Creating Fiat Money’s Nominal Value in Competitive Market.
Xie Zhiping
11:30–11:50 On the Original Position in the Theory of Justice.
Koichi Suga
Session C: Rm. 513, Shaoyifu Science Bldg.
13:00–13:20 What Is Welfare? A Philosophical Reconsideration of Human Desire.
Duan Hao
13:20–13:40 Low Birth Weight in Japan: Its Causes and Consequences.
Haruko Noguchi
13:40–14:00 A Forward-looking Analysis of the Local Economic Demonstration Zone of Shandong as FTA of China, Japan and South Korea.
Chen Yuanyuan
14:00–14:20 Expectation Formation: Theory and Evidence.
Yoshiyuki Nakazonoi
14:20–14:40 Labour Marekt Flexiblity and Economic Growth.
Yoshihiko Fukushima
14:40–15:00 Resource-saving Technology and Research Arbitrage in a Schumpeterian Growth Model.
Lin Chen
Note: the last speaker chairs the session.