The fifth China Evolutionary Economics Annual Meeting was successfully held in Shandong University from Oct 27, 2012 - Oct 28, 2012, hosted by the Center for Economic Research, Shandong University. Over 100 people attended the meeting.
Shengyuan Cao, member of the Standing Committee, Party Committee of Shandong University welcomed all to the meeting, and introduced the history, size and school-running of Shandong University.
Geoffrey M. Hodgson, chief editor of Journal of Institutional Economics, prominent institutional and evolutionary economist and Yicheng Zhang, Professor of University of Fribourg made an introduction to major information transitions in social evolution, compared natural selection with information selection. Ping Chen, Professor of Fudan University demonstrated the new economic thinking under the background of financial crisis. Shaoan Huang, dean of the Center for Economic Research took marine sovereignty, marine property rights and sea power maintenance as the theme, clarified China should strengthen the concept of actual possession and adopt effective possession measures at current stage, rely on the actual exercise of marine property rights to maintain marine sovereignty. Jin Chen, Professor of Zhe Jiang University believed the Schumpeter’s theory should be extended and applied. Genliang Jia, Professor of Renmin University of China considered China have to make significant adjustments on development pattern, foreign capital policy, financial system and industrial policy, etc.