Center for Economic Research at Shandong University signed an agreement with Springer on March 28, 2014, the journal called China Journal of Economic Research was successfully founded.
China Journal of Economic Research (CJER) is the journal of the Center for Economic Research at Shandong University, edited by Professor Shaoan Huang. It is devoted to introduce readers to the study of the latest development of economic research. It welcomes all fields in economics, including Institutional Economics, Econometrics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Health Economics, Financial Economics, etc; it also encourages ideas from interdisciplinary study. There is a special column about Institutional Economics in every issue. The CJER also promotes theoretical and empirical research in China Economy, enhances and improves our understanding the economic transformation.
The targeted readers are academic and policy researchers, university students who have the common interest in understanding the latest development of economic research.