The second teatime proceeded in the 526 meeting room of economic-management building on schedule last Saturday at 7:00pm. The teatime was organized by the ‘Economical Journal of Graduate in SDU’, in which nearly twenty doctors and graduates took part this time. Considering the diversity of the theme and the activity of the attendee, the teatime lasted for more than three hours and a half.
Doctor Qian Wei was the presider of the colloquy, which two parts constituted. During the first part, Qiang Liu, a graduate in 2006, put forward his own viewpoint about the majority shareholders’ violation towards the minority shareholders in the field of company governance. Then the theme of the colloquy turned to the sovereign of the public sea and the effectiveness of resource exploitation, especially, the proposition suggested by Doctor Qian Wei received a uniform agreement, namely it is possible to solve the dispute of the public sea by establishing a joint-stock company Ltd, which is of high novelty. After that, Jianlong Zhou, a graduate in 2006, raised his opinion that there is a causal link between the surplus of fluidity and the difference between the rich and the poor, which intrigue an ardent argument among the attendee. In the second part, concentrating on the way of studying and researching, communication was carrying among students of different grades.
Active hemisphere was inherited from the first colloquy, at the same time, attendee, of which are graduate in 2007 mainly, expressed their benefits obtained from attending in such colloquy. We all hope that the teatime can play an important part in improving the academic communication and enlarging the eyeshot in the future.
(from: Ye Chen SDUCER2007)